Participant Leadership at LTC
Client CouncilLincoln Training Center’s Client Council, under the guidance of staff advisor Mario Manzano, meets twice a month to discuss issues of importance to all Lincoln clients. There are currently 25 members of the Client Council, and officer elections are held once a year. |
The Client Council is a group of individuals that promotes self-advocacy and provides education to other Lincoln Training Center participants. The Council meets every other week to discuss issues of importance regarding the Center’s programs, self-governance, facility issues, and also social activities.
As an integral part of the organization, Council members are involved in Lincoln’s planning committees, Board of Directors’ meetings, the Safety and Risk Management Committee, and assisting with Lincoln’s Accessibility Plan. Council members also attend occasional functions in the community, such as service club meetings, legislative sub-committee hearings, job expos, etc.
Aktion Club
Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide. Aktion Clubs draw members from various organizations that support individuals with disabilities, as well as other community programs. A Kiwanis club serves as the Aktion Club’s sponsor. Aktion Club’s mission is to provide adults living with disabilities an opportunity to develop initiative, leadership skills, and to serve their communities. LTC's Aktion Club activities include potting small plants that can be sold in the community through Lincoln’s Community Based Integration program.