signet beltran

Letter of Great Appreciation for the Wonderful LTC Crew Working at Arcadia High School

March 15, 2018

Arcadia Unified School District
Office Of Food Service Director
234 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
Phone: 626/821-8322, Fax: 626/574-3828

Lynne Richardson
Edwin Sanchez
Ralph Walker

I am writing a letter of great appreciation for the wonderful crew that we have working with us, at Arcadia High School, from the Lincoln Training Center. We currently have a crew of three young men, Emmanul Castillo, Wade Hartman, Mathew Olvera, along with their supervisor by Ernie Carranza. These three young men work seamlessly with my staff. When they first arrive these young men listened intently and follow instruction perfectly. The young men’s tasks range from washing dishes and cleaning stainless appliances to picking up trash. They even pan and help prepare food. These young men have work extremely hard and diligently and they take great pride in their work. They never complain or balk at doing any job they are asked to do and they always have a smile on their face. These men are well disciplined and trained to get to work immediately and they doing their jobs without being asked. The Lincoln Training Center crew works very hard from the moment they step foot on our campus until they leave. Their demeanor is kind and pleasant and I have never heard them complain, even when it is extremely hot inside the kitchen. The AHS kitchen staff considers the Lincoln Training Center crew apart of our staff. We work as one unit. We are beyond pleased with the work that these fine men perform for us daily.

In addition, Mr. Carranza has been an extreme pleasure to work with. He keeps his crew focused on their task from start until completion. I always feel that they are supervised. Mr. Carranza checks the work the young men are doing and adds correction and explanations as is needed. The high work standard he expects from his crew is greatly appreciated. One extra bonus is that Mr. Caranza works as hard as anyone in the kitchen. Our kitchen has never been so clean.

Again thank you for sharing this wonderful group of workers with us this year. We are very grateful and appreciative.


Patricia Weaver
Arcadia High School Supervisor