signet beltran

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

March 6, 2018

Today the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a resolution celebrating the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Passed with overwhelming bipartisan majorities in Congress and signed into law on July 26, 1990 by President George H.W. Bush, the ADA has been one of our most significant and effective civil rights laws. This landmark legislation has helped Americans with disabilities to participate more fully in life by removing barriers to employment, transportation, public services, telecommunications, and public accommodations.

There are more than 31 million adults with disabilities in the United States. Many are unable to work or live independently. The cost of caring for these adults is in the billions of dollars annually. A number of these adults, however, have the desire to work and live independently, but need programs like those offered at Lincoln Training Center to provide them with the skills they need. Over the past 46 years, thousands of these adults have had the opportunity to develop job and independent living skills. Dan is one of them.

When Dan was born, his mother was told it would be best if he were “put someplace where he could be taken care of.” Instead, she brought him home and raised him in a loving home environment. Dan attended school, learned to ride a bike and use public transportation. He was also active in Special Olympics, earning several medals. After graduating from high school, Dan’s goal was to find a job in the community, and in August 2004 he was referred to Lincoln. After receiving employment training, he was placed at CarMax in Roseville, where he worked for over two years. His former CarMax Job Coach stated, “Dan is a team player who always pitches in to help me and the rest of the crew. He doesn’t let his disability slow him down and he always strives to do his best.” Dan is currently part of a custodial team working at the California Department of Veterans Affairs in Sacramento, where he continues to get rave reviews. According to his current Job Coach, “Dan is a model employee. He has a good attitude, great attendance record, and excellent work performance.” Dan’s Case Manager had this to say: “Dan is so proud that he achieved his dream of living independently. He set a goal, and with great determination, he achieved it. His next goal is to work towards further independence in an Individual Placement setting. He is looking forward to facing new challenges.”

Lincoln Training Center joins in celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act; It will continue to help countless more people who – like Dan – are looking forward to the same life changing opportunities that Lincoln Training Center can provide.