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Description of Services


Lincoln Training Center provides vocational training for individuals with disabilities who may not choose to work in competitive employment, or who may require assistance in obtaining and maintaining competitive employment. Services are specifically designed to provide a variety of productivity based paid work opportunities that include assembly, disassembly, packaging, labeling, wrapping and other light manufacture contracts which are fulfilled in Lincoln’s 32,000 square foot South El Monte facility. Services emphasize work behavior modification, physical tolerance and stamina development, good attendance, punctuality, safe work practices, and maintaining appropriate relationships with co-workers and supervisors. Services are provided through the team effort of our Production Supervisors and Rehabilitation Counselors. (Pay based on piece rate.)


a client stocking fruitWORK ACTIVITY SERVICES – PAY RATES

Wages are determined by calculating the average production rate (the number of pieces that can accurately be produced within a specific period of time) and comparing the rate to the average production rate of workers without disabilities who are doing the same type of work. Wage determinations are mandated by the Department of Labor as a means of calculating a fair wage.


Participant Council

Participants who are interested can join LTC’s Participant Council. Participant Council members promote self-advocacy and provide education to other LTC participants. The Council meets twice a month to discuss issues of importance to all Lincoln participants regarding the Center’s programs, self-governance, the facility, and also social activities.

The Participant Council members act as advocates for their peers, and are empowered to speak directly to Lincoln management about their concerns and ideas.

A Staff Advisor assists the Council with leadership training and presentation skills. The Council learns the importance of their role as representatives and peer mentors and how to interact with their co-workers and faithfully represent their opinions and ideas.

Participant Council members also regularly represent participants at special events. A designated Participant Council member attends Board of Directors’ meetings quarterly.


a client gathering shopping cartsWork Activity Program – Personal Attendants/Supplemental Services

LTC is vendored to provide these services for those participants with the following needs:
• constant prompting/redirection in order to stay focused on task
• hand-over-hand assistance in order to complete work tasks successfully
• assistance due to severe visual impairments
• participants requiring assistance in the areas of safety/work skills due to the onset of dementia/Alzheimer’s disease
• participants who require assistance with their toileting needs (transferring)

The Personal Attendant is a one-on-one assistant whose primary responsibility is to provide training to the participant in a healthy, safe, and rewarding manner. This includes, but is not limited to, providing work skills training, and assistance necessary to complete job tasks and self-help skills, providing motivation and redirection with the highest level of dignity, respect, and professionalism. An emphasis is placed on providing the participant with a stress-free training environment conducive to increasing participant work skills and improving the quality of life to those participants that require increased supervision and supports (1:1 ratio).

Supplemental Services provide individuals with more intense needs with a smaller supervisor/participant ratio. This service allows for a group of up to 6 individuals to work together with one supervisor (1:6 ratio).